Studio Sigil is Ryan Chandler.

It started with “borrowing” mom’s video camera to make skate videos with the boys…

Ryan Chandler hasn’t always been the low-key family man he is today, but he has always been an artist. After working in studio arts and music for ten years, Ryan went back to school for a degree in digital media, after which he was picked up by a creative marketing agency where he was able to continue learning and growing hands-on in his field. Challenged with every facet of the job, from logos and photography to website buildouts and corporate sales campaigns, Ryan excelled. Finally, as Special Projects Manager, he produced full scale videography, music, and content for an in-house children’s programming project for three years. Ryan now works as a consultant in developing new children’s programming for both TV and popular streaming platforms.

Ryan Chandler is a dedicated husband and a relatively new father, made completely unique and essential to his family through his art. He keeps life creative and colorful; his playful way of looking at things adding the perspective and depth that is so vital to a happy family, interesting art, and a stimulated life.